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[gcmd-dev] new TODO draft

From: Micha
Subject: [gcmd-dev] new TODO draft
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 02:53:12 +0100
User-agent: Alpenglühn 7.2

Here's a new TODO draft. (inline, plus attached)

- There are 2  XXX entries which i would prefer to file as bug.

- I will not file feature requests via bugzilla, that's why i put this kind of 
stuff here.

- I believe enabling python plugins is much more important and fruitful than 
   spending much time on the mime issue....though we should put up a mini- 
   on the homepage, describing how to do mimetypes by gnome, and how manually.

- Enabling plugins opens the door to anything :) even to mimetype editor. 
  Look at firefox extensions, there are nearly 1500 now, you can have 
  you always dreamed of now. IExplorer looks like an old dish now.
  And that's just because they created the API and explained it in the docs.


| TODO                                                    |

XXX = will be filed as bug (delete here)


// General

* MIME configuration
* Browsing of compressed archives
* Python plugins
* More plugins: --> moved to Discussion (below)
* Splitting/merging files
* Lookup + modify links. Maybe file_properties widget.
* Umounting a device via device button 
* Source userprofile for commandline shell to have user aliases available at 
* Bookmark icons for ordinary folders in the toolbar (along with devices)
  Menu entry: Settings -> Options -> Devices
  It works already to insert only a directory, and no device, but this by now 
causes a mount error.
  It would be correct not to add those bookmark icons to the 'Bookmark' menu 
* Include some nice icon set into the package

// Filelist representation

* Directory Tree with ALT+F10
* Subdirectory View - showing contents of a given dir and all its
  subdirs in one file list. It gives the possibility of mass operation
  like: copy/move/rename/delete for all subdirs files. _Very_ handy.
* Custom columns support
* Support for file meta tags (exif, iptc, mp3, vorbis, *ml, pdf, ...) -
  advrename + file-search + custom columns
* Brief file listing (see mc)
* File names filtering

// Search widget

* File search - advanced criteria (according to file size, date or attr)
XXX: * Write configuration and bookmark changes immediately to file

// Advrename widget

* The advrename dialog should have a feature to convert between upper/lowercase.
XXX: * FAM resorting file list for every single renamed file
* Move menu entry for advrename tool from 'file' to 'edit'
* Button for popup with short placeholder description 

// Internal viewer

* Copy text (ctrl-c and xbuffer)
* Multiple files browsing
* pdf -> text (pdftotext)
* catdoc .doc -> text (catdoc)
* Open Document Format (OpenOffice, already standard) odt -> text 
  (is there any odt2text tool already?)

// Mouse navigation

* Toolbar navigation buttons: FIRST,UP,LAST
* Drag&drop action 'Alt+mouse' with '?' pointer -> opens dialog -> choose modus 
-> 'symlink'
* Only one set of bookmark/device icons. Maybe left/right click apply to 
left/right pane ?
* Scale bookmark/device icons automatically to configurable valube (create a 
cache, for speed)

// Documentation

* Fill gaps in framework
* Context menu 'custom programs' API (environment, placeholders for direcotry 
and filename) 
* Plugin API (if ready)
* Brief manpage with updated links to mailinglist + homepage + /usr/share/doc 

Discussed stuff (not assigned to a version yet)

* Toolbar configuration - OO.org like
* Keyboard shortcuts configuration
* Light version of gc (based on gtk+ only, or fltk)
* Python-Plugin or context menu { either preconfigured or available at hompegae 
} ?
    - creating tarballs from selected files
    - compressing/decompressing (gz & bz2)
    - converting gz <-> bz2, tar.gz <-> tar.bz2
    - image operations (rotation, scaling, etc.) on selected files
    - other mc-like extensions ?
    - send file as email attachment (configurable mail command)
    - imagemagick 'convert' frontend working on selected files
    - shopping-cart for selecting files from different directories
      (can be merged internally into visible file selection at any point
       and then the usual multiple-file actions can be applied)
*  Plugin policy:
   - Plugin = installable as binary single extra package
   - Supported languages: Only Python ? 
   - Batch file processing calling plugins (see Gimp)
   - Cross-invocation = Can a plugin invoke another plugin ?
*  How much should mc get 'incorporated' (some same libs, or even dependency)

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