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Re: [gcmd-dev] Simple mimetype editor

From: Michael
Subject: Re: [gcmd-dev] Simple mimetype editor
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:08:57 +0200
User-agent: Alpenglühn 7.2

> But i wont really agree that it is a new dependency
> out of two reasons. The first is that the script is
> not part of gcmd

Accpeted. I just wonder if it's a good idea to mention the source package of 
the gnomevfs-infog command, in case someone doesn't have it installed.

> This is once again a problem you get by your distros
> tampering and splitting of the authors code into
> lib, dev and good knows what.

I agree they are doing it, but probably for good reason. Look, at least three 
major distros do it this way: Debain (including Ubuntu), SuSE, Redhat. I think 
we have to accept (if not respect) this fact in some way, no matter if we think 
it's cool or not.

> Well anyway. If you have suggestions, please feel free to
> post them here or in a private mail.

Maybe like 

"The list shows the applications that have an entry for the specified mimetype 
in their local desktop  configuration file, meaning they are capable to deal 
with that mimetype.
You can choose the default application by checking the radiobutton. The script 
will adjust your local mimetype settings, namely the defaults.list file, which 
is used by gnome to sort out which application to use and show as default."

What remains unclear to me:

- What exactly means FALSE in the "application" column ?

- Screenshot: For text/html. There's a gedit.desktop file which apparently was 
not created by me (it contains some weird gnome specific stuff.) There are 
several <appname>.desktop files around here. I think they were created by 
nautilus. There are also *-usercreated.desktop and *-usercustom.desktop files.
I seem to remember usercustom files were created by nautilus, but it's some 
month ago when i tested it. For example, 3gp videos created e.g. by nokia 
mobiles: There was no default app shown, though i had video/3gp in a 
vlc-usercustom.desktop file, and in mimeinfo.cache and defaults.list too. After 
running mimeedit, a vlc-usercreated file was added, and now it works.
For the time being, i moved any "usercustom" to "usercreated".
But anyway. In case there are several: Which ones are used in what order ?

- What about mimeinfo.cache ? 
Experimentally i removed defaults.list, and still mimeinfo.cache was not 
For example, gnome-vfs always shows mplayer for wav, which is not in mimeinfo 
and has no *.desktop file at all. It looks more like mimeinfo.cache is not used 
at all, instead and all *.desktop files are scanned (but mimeinfo is not 
updated) and they seem to be mixed with another database  - probably the 
generic all-users /usr/share/applications. 

This can lead to funny situations. Before i started testing, gnome-vfs showed 
xine as default for wav, probably via my local xine-usercustom.desktop file. 
But there was a contradicting entry in defaults.list: 
audio/x-wav=kde-amarok.desktop. It appears that mimeinfo.cache had xine as 
first entry of several apps, but is it used anyway ? When i removed defaults 
list another late time i got:
"Open with" shows mplayer, mimeedit shows audacity as default, which was not 
the previous default (this still was amarok) but again is the first entry of 
Copying back the original defaults.list immediately shows 'amarok' again in the 
"Open with" dialog, and also in the properties widnow, but mimeedit still shows 
audacity (which still is the first entry in mimeinfo cache) ! Is this an update 
delay ?

Well i think freedesktop implementations have to dive into a historic mess and 
there always may be artefacts. Don't blame you Magnus if it's too hard to 
prepare for any possible case. It's great to have your script.

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