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Re: [gcmd-dev] Simple mimetype editor

From: Michael
Subject: Re: [gcmd-dev] Simple mimetype editor
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 19:48:24 +0200
User-agent: Alpenglühn 7.2

> That is not present anywere in my files.
> The script do not write it, it just edits lines,
> so that line must come from some other program.

Removing the [Default Applications] line fixed the problem.
I can easily reproduce the error, e.g. by inserting [Hi there] as first line in 
defaults file. It's indeed provoked by calling the script (but maybe actually 
done by something else?), from gcmd< properties. 

Let's verify how the default file gets created at a fresh gnome (or kde) 
I've a guest account, wich launches a standard gnome session. 
However, there's no .local at all yet ! Let's see...

I just checked this account: 
In Nautilus, for textfile, going 'properties' -> 'open with' shows generic 
Added 'file-roller' and 'nedit' which was not in the default gnome app list.
After that, nautilus (gnome-vfs) has created a default.list with the '[bla]' 
line on top.
It createdf file-roller-usercreated.desktop and nedit-usercustom.desktop.
So this is the difference (if it's in the gnome default list)
mimeinfo.cache doesn't show up gedit (the generic Texteditr) at all.
If i modify the default to be 'Texteditor' then defaults.list contains 
'gedit.desktop'. Yet this file is not in .local - it should be in the all-users 
/usr/* folder instead.
So i guess we don't need any '*.desktop' in .local. (Just removed my respecitve 
files - i suspect i copied them there myself at some point)

mimeedit would need to deal with different filenames and the header line 

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