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Re: Включване в /gnu/gnu-user-groups.html

From: Ivaylo Valkov
Subject: Re: Включване в /gnu/gnu-user-groups.html
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 12:31:43 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090701)

На 28.07.2009 17:00, Yavor Doganov написа:
В 14:16 +0300 на 27.07.2009 (пн), Ivaylo Valkov написа:
Dear maintainer of
Няма такъв отговорник. user-groups е

Нямаше как да знам. Предположих, че някой го поддържа.

По принцип "couple" е чифт, макар че в разговорната реч се употребява и
като "няколко".

Известно ми е. Въпреки, че съм го срещал не само в разговорна реч,
редакцията ти е по-добра.

We are gathered together by our affiliations to the Free Software Movement - our

Движението с малки букви.

Само движението ? (така и го поправих)

We do not consider this as something wrong

Лошо е, но не е неетично.  Предпочитам "We do not consider this as
something fundamentally wrong".  Или "utterly".

Ясно, е че е лошо, защото е известно до какво (може да) води.
Не намерих дума, която да изразява смисъла на "фундаментално"
и да ми "звучи" изречението добре. Реших, че  в горния вариант
отразява добре смисъла, но явно не е така.

Липсват два абзаца:


The access to our mailing list is free.

Малко странно е това.  "Everyone can subscribe to the mailing list"
избягва гадаенето какъв е този свободен и/или безплатен достъп.

Не се бях замислил за това тълкуване.

Като цяло си ми "изловил" често правени грешки.
Прилагам пълния текст с редакциите. Ако няма други
забележки и предложения (и от останалите в групата),
ще го изпратя в близките дни.


I am a member of the "Bulgarian GNU Users Group" at  I and the other members of the group would
like our group to be included in the list.  Our group is very
different form the Bulgarian users group at

This is a summary of our front web page at

Welcome to the Bulgarian GNU users group's web pages. GNU is an
operating system developed since 1984 in the name of freedom of all
computer users.  GNU is free software. There are several variants of
GNU -- the most popular GNU/Linux (much to our regret known as
"Linux"); GNU/Herd and GNU/kFreeBSD. We refuse to call the system
"Linux", because there are very important reasons not to do it.

We are gathered together by our affiliations to the Free Software
movement -- our thirst for freedom and the love to our favourite
operating system, which existence represents this natural
striving. Our group exists to:

- Introduce computer users with the moral aspects of free software;
- Eradicate slavery self-awareness;
- Help each other with advice, directions and other natural for the
 computer community activities;
- Educate new computer users about the philosophical and technical
 aspects of the free operating system GNU;

Everyone can join our group as long as he/she agrees to follow certain

This is a summary of our rules page at : :

Every person can join our group. Unfortunately a lot similar users
groups distort with time and alter their main goal and do not conform
with the ethical aspects of the Free Software movement. We do not
consider this as something fundamentally wrong -- people are free to
ignore important problems and to focus on technical solutions, which
is often more convenient for them. In spite of that we the members of
this group do not want to function in that manner. It is our desire to
emphasize at GNU philosophy, because we consider that is more
important than the technical advantages of the system.

If you feel in a similar way, send a request for membership to the
gug-bg project by visit your page "My Group Membership" and typing
"gug-bg" in the "Request For Inclusion" box.  It is a good idea to
write a comment or even better -- send a message to the list with
short information about yourself.

The membership is formal; in practice the only "privileges" are the
right to edit the web pages and the possibility to assign tasks to you.

Everyone can subscribe to the mailing list.  It is not obligatory to
be member of our project gug-bg at Our mail archives
are also publicly available.

Please follow these rules when you communicate with other members of
the list and with everyone who asks for help on the mailing list:

- Never recommend non-free software - installations, hyperlinks,
 glorification etc.
- If you have to recommend a distribution, avoid harsh and subjective
 comments. When you recommend a distribution, choose it from the list
 of completely free distributions.
- Do not behave arrogantly with users, who do not have your profound
 knowledge of the subject. Explain in detail, when you have to.
- Do not call the operating system "Linux". Nearly all user groups do
 that, but we do not want to.
- Send your e-mails in plain text and do not use HTML. Some clients
 can't guess that language and such e-mails are irritating for many
- Try to avoid top posting when you answer to e-mails. When citing
 avoid unnecessary text for the context of your answer.

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