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Re: LYNX-DEV Chartrans - forms

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Chartrans - forms
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 19:12:24 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Hynek Med wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Klaus Weide wrote:
> > On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, Hynek Med wrote:
> > 
> > > Klaus, I have one more idea for you - how are the forms data translated? 
> > > I recall using your old patches against a traceroute gateway, and the
> > > added charset parameter to content-type has puzzled the script so it
> > > didn't produce any results.. 
> To make myself clearer - if a document is marked as Windows-1250 by the
> server (for example
> non-chartrans versions of lynx cannot cope with it. They do this: 
> text/html;charset=windows-1250  D)ownload, or C)ancel
> How nice would it be to have there an I)gnore option too..

I'll add that to my TODO list.  (Yes, I am starting one.)
But it shouldn't be necessary as much with chartrans compiled in

Re: forms in general:

I would be surprised if translation of text in form input fields,
textareas, submit button, select lists etc. really worked now.
There are some routines (in LYCharUtils.c) which I have ignored so far,
and other things which would be needed. 

> > > Maybe it's a better idea to translate the
> > > data for the forms to the character set of the document with the form? 
> > 
> > That's a nice idea.  Finally it should probably be done.
> > The nice idea becomes less nice when you consider that
> > - we may not know the document charset (but have only "assumed" it)
> Well, we do this for normal documents anyway.. Or we could do this only
> if we know for sure what the document charset is..

That's an idea.
(I mean your last sentence.  What do you consider a "normal" document?)

> > - we may not be able to translate back, or translate not all characters
> Do you mean - if your display is US-ASCII you can't do č from it?

No.  I mean the user may have typed in characters that exist in the
Display Character Set, but cannot be translated to the server's charset.
For example if the server sent iso-8859-1, but Drazen types in his name in 
a form in iso-8859-2.  

> Well.. Still better partial translation than nothing.. 

That depends on the application, whether partial loss of information is 
acceptable or be should regarded a fatal error...

> > > PS It's nice to see extra HTML entites like č beeing added..
> > 
> > Yes, it might be nice.  Go ahead, Hynek, add more of them!
> > The place to add them is in HTMLDTD.c, you don't need to understand C,
> > youst follow the examples (search for "ccaron"...) and add entities
> > in alphabetic (ASCII) order.  Of course you need to know the Unicode
> > values those entities stand for...
> If it's only a problem of adding them there, I can do that. (I have even
> looked at the code already - because I was wondering why ccaron I tried
> worked but Ccaron didn't - it looks we both like ccaron for testing.. :-) 
> I know I should stop complaining / asking for features and start doing
> something..
> BTW, why isn't ‎ working? It reads:
>  {"lrm",       8206},  /* left-to-right mark */
> And is rendered as ‎ in lynx.. I don't know what lrm should be,
> anyway. Does it mean that the entities entries can be in hex only?

It just means that Lynx doesn't now anything about Unicode 8206 (except
that ‎ maps to it), so it cannot show anything else.  If there was
an entry for 8206 in the src/chrtrans/iso02_uni.tbl file corresponding to
your Display CHaracter Set, Lynx would use that.  (It has to be in hex
in the *table file*.)  Codes for all Latin-2 characters should already
be in that file (after all, that is the point of the tables), but you can
add more if there is some Unicode value for which you want a
replacement representation that can be expressed in iso-8859-2 chars.
(And then recompile).


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