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Re: [Monotone-devel] Keyword substitution?

From: Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Keyword substitution?
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:40:23 +0200 (CEST)

In message <address@hidden> on Wed, 27 Jul 2005 00:07:37 -0700, "Todd A. 
Jacobs" <address@hidden> said:

nospam> Does monotone support any kind of keyword subsitution at all
nospam> at this stage?

No, and quite honestly, I hope it won't.  I find it to be a hassle
more than a blessing, especially when merging (which is already
painful enough as it is in CVS).

Nothing stops you from doing exactly what monotone itself is doing,
though; creating a separate file containing the current revision
number and use that as the ident.

nospam> I would imagine that version keywords are a bit trickier,
"revision".  Calling it "version" is only confusing, and has already
confused an enourmous amount of RCS and CVS users out there.

nospam> For the second case, being able to identify that an exported
nospam> file belongs to a particular repository, and what its internal
nospam> version number within that particular repository is:
nospam>     $Revision: com.example.stable 
nospam> would probably be quite helpful.

Note that with monotone, every revision can be seen as a collection of
files (not really, it's the collection of changes between one
collection of files and another collection of files), so what you get
when you check out a specific revision is a snapshot of a tree of
files at that particular moment in that line of development.  There's
no sense of individual files as there is in CVS, so there's no need to
have the revision in each and every file, because it would be exactly
the same in all of them.


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Richard Levitte                         address@hidden

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
                                                -- C.S. Lewis

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