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[Monotone-devel] Re: summit flag day?

From: Koen Kooi
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: summit flag day?
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 18:19:16 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 3.0a1pre (Macintosh/2008040803)

Lapo Luchini wrote:
I was thinking... during this past year after the last summit I read
many times sentences like "we are waiting to do that until the next flag
day"... is there a place those informations are kept?

Is it now the time to actually suffer that flag day? Or, at least, to
plan for it? (maybe a branch?)

The little "flag-day" changes that I'd like are probably known to most,
but I'll repeat them here:
1. upgrade SHA-1 (or decide that 69 bits of security are
enough for us, that would be in line with 1024 bit keys too)
2. use principals instead of key names all around
3. upgrade certs signature scheme
4. make the compression algorithm parametric (most obvious choices could
be, in order of decreasing speed and size: no compression, lzo, zlib,
lzma; lzma is particularly interesting because it's heavy to compress,
but very fast on decompression)

Please ensure that new mtn releases can still talk to 'old' releases over netsync, otherwise you are needlessly stabbing people in the eye when $distro upgrades their mtn version, but the main project server is on debian (old-)stable.



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