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(No Subject)

From: Thomas Dupond
Subject: (No Subject)
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 17:38:04 +0000


I've been using nmh and MH-E for some time now and I'm very pleased with
it but there is something I want to do but my knowledge falls short.

When I reply to someone and cite their previous mail, I want to insert
the date at which their mail was sent.  Like the following:

At 2022-01-27T18:04:44+0000, Someone wrote:

I think I should be able to do it with replĀ -filter.  I tried this:

from:nocomponent,formatfield="At %(tws{date}) 
%(unquote(decode(friendly{text}))) writes:"
body:component="> ",overflowtext="> ",overflowoffset=0

but the date appears like 00 Jan 00:00:00 so it looks like I'm using the
wrong parameter.

How am I supposed to include the date?

Thank you.

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