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Re: how to switch session as X window workspace?

From: Gerald Young
Subject: Re: how to switch session as X window workspace?
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 11:16:00 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

On Thursday 24 September 2009 04:40:25 CHEN Cheng wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Is it possible to switch between sessions by pressing
> Ctrl-Alt-Left or Ctrl-Alt-Right, like what we do in
> Gnome (or KDE)?

Hi Cheng,

To use multiple screen sessions, I run a main screen session that inside 
contains windows running other screen sessions.

For example:
* main session
   - window 1: misc session
   - window 2: coding session
   - window 3: ssh session

And then each nested session has their own set of windows:
* misc session
   - window 1: bash
   - window 2: etc
* coding session
   - window 1: vim file1
   - window 2: make
* ssh session
   - window 1: ssh server1
   - window 2: ssh server2

The main session has Ctrl+S as the screen command key (instead of Ctrl+A).  
That way I control either the main session or any of the other sessions by 
using Ctrl+S or Ctrl+A respectively. The "Ctrl+S 1" sequence would take me to 
the misc session, for example.

I run the main session with something like:
screen -e ^Ss -S main_session

And on the shell that pops up I run my other sessions (each on their own 
screen -t misc_session screen -mS misc_session
screen -t coding_session screen -mS coding_session
screen -t ssh_session screen -mS ssh_session

Hope this helps,
Gerald Young

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