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Re: [Xlog-discussion] Appology

From: Karl F. Larsen
Subject: Re: [Xlog-discussion] Appology
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 05:51:09 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20050923)

Hi Ben, thanks and I too did a search and found that page. I am trying to find out what a spec sheet reallly is. I have Maximon RPM the book and it's in there.

Ben Coleman wrote:

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Karl F. Larsen wrote:
  To that end I will go to the Red Hat web page and see if I can learn
what it takes to offer an RPM to yum.

I went looking, too, and the description of becoming a Fedora Extras
contributor is at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/Contributors

- From what I see there, you don't offer an RPM to Fedora extras.  You offer an
SRPM (Source RPM) and a spec file (which defines how to build an RPM from the
SRPM).  The naming of the files and the contents of the spec file have to
conform to Fedora conventions.  Someone has to review them to make sure you've
correctly conformed to those conventions, approve your submission, and sponsor
you.  Once sponsored, you get access to Fedora's cvs repository, and are able
to cause RPMs for the package to be built within the Fedora Extras build system.

Yes every time you make a RPM you also make a SRPM which is just a wrapper around the tar ball the author wrote and you made the RPM from. It will be educational to learn what the person you must pass through is looking for.

I can see why OH2BNS mentioned not only the skills necessary for this, but
also the time.

If this seems like a bit much, you might want to go with OH2BNS's suggestion
and try to hunt up whoever maintains the hamlib packages in Fedora Extras and
see if they're willing to handle gmfsk and xlog also.

Well Tomi will look for him and he might well find him. But then he could be you or me who just took the time because we percieved a need. Tomi made it child's play to make a RPM and if I can figure out the spec sheet part it might be the simple to apply to Fedora and see what happens.

I got Fedora Core 5 downloaded and used it to upgrade my laptop. It worked fine and didn't loose anything it appears. I will do a compile and see if that still works :-)

- --
Ben Coleman address@hidden
"I love the way Microsoft follows standards.  In much the
same manner that fish follow migrating caribou."
                                           Paul Tomblin
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Karl Larsen, aka K5DI
Linux user since 1994 70 years old and still having fun
Web: http://www.zianet.com/k5di

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