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Re: [avrdude-dev] Re: Avrdude GUI and Avr Studio Plugin

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Re: Avrdude GUI and Avr Studio Plugin
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 07:35:37 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

As Doug Brown wrote:

> >> Alas, it looks like it's C++ (only).

> So is wxWidgets.

Yes, but wxWidgets requires writing a new toplevel file anyway.

I once hacked a wxWidgets prototype to demonstrate the library/CLI
split basically works.

> >> That would mean to convert AVRDUDE into C++.

> Only the main.c

Yes, you're right, still quite some work.  I don't think its C coding
style is already good enough for C++.  But OK, it's not completely
impossible to do that if we need.

>> It's correct that the AVRDUDE application "in the field" does not
>> have to validate the XML file, but during the development, an XML
>> schema should be there the file can be validated against.

> Won't every field read from the configuration file will have to be
> validated every time it's loaded (just not against the schema)?

No, that doesn't happen right now, and I won't see why it should
happen with an XML version of avrdude.conf.  Some programmers perform
some minimal consistency check, as they are unable to continue without
certain parameters, but that's all.  If someone damages his XML
configuration file after installation, it's simply their problem.

> Do you suggest the current conf file elements be translated into
> something neater?

Yes, we need a hierarchical structure, one per programmer, and in
particular one per device.  Have a look at how many delay parameters
there are these days, and there's things like "stabdelay" vs.
"hventerstabdelay" vs. "hvleavestabdelay" and such, where parameters
have been given artificially different names due to the single flat
name space the file has.

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL

http://www.sax.de/~joerg/                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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