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[Bontz-team] art resources

From: Owen Swerkstrom
Subject: [Bontz-team] art resources
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 14:55:00 -0700 (PDT)

how should we handle storing graphics, music, tiles,
movies, whatever in cvs?  I'm thinking I should have
mabe a "media" module for in-progress stuff, and when
a tileset or sprite set or movie or whatever is "done"
(right format/size and done enough for use within the
game or demos) put into the main bontz module ("media"
or "resource" folder or something) ?

For example when making a character I'll have a
blender file, various textures (targas or maybe jpegs)
and probably a scratch text file or two with notes
I've been scribbling down to keep things straight... 
I'll eventually wind up with the correctly-sized set
of .png files and an animation sequence script or
whatever, but I'd like to save all that intermittent
stuff too.  Any thoughts how I should handle that? 
Should my box melt down or something we sure wouldn't
want to lose the in-progress artsy stuff.

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