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Re: [Bontz-team] art resources

From: Chuck
Subject: Re: [Bontz-team] art resources
Date: 23 Apr 2003 19:17:39 -0500

ok, i think i probably have worked with cvs the most, so i think i will
manage and maintain it.

here is how i would like us to use cvs

we will make a separate modules for each item and then i can tie this
together however we want through the CVSROOT/modules file.
so we should import music graphics and everything else into separate
modules.  if you are not sure how to do any of this please ask

mostly it is just
$ cd cvs
$ cd new_module_dir
$ cvs -z3 address@hidden:/cvsroot/bontz import module_name
vendername branchname

#the vender and branch names can basically be anything you want.

ok, that is how to make a new module

as for the directory structure of the module, how about this...

remember at the school we used
to store all of the stuff that can actually be seen on the website
and along with that we then have a number of other things that were
never seen by the public such as

i propose we adopt a similar format for bontz
we will create sprites as its own module
and then inside the sprites module we could do the following
#this will contain your notes
#this will contain the blend files
#this will contain the actual files that will be release
#and and so on...
/sprites/(whatever else you want)

does all this make sense?

On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 16:55, Owen Swerkstrom wrote:
> how should we handle storing graphics, music, tiles,
> movies, whatever in cvs?  I'm thinking I should have
> mabe a "media" module for in-progress stuff, and when
> a tileset or sprite set or movie or whatever is "done"
> (right format/size and done enough for use within the
> game or demos) put into the main bontz module ("media"
> or "resource" folder or something) ?
> For example when making a character I'll have a
> blender file, various textures (targas or maybe jpegs)
> and probably a scratch text file or two with notes
> I've been scribbling down to keep things straight... 
> I'll eventually wind up with the correctly-sized set
> of .png files and an animation sequence script or
> whatever, but I'd like to save all that intermittent
> stuff too.  Any thoughts how I should handle that? 
> Should my box melt down or something we sure wouldn't
> want to lose the in-progress artsy stuff.
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