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Re: Help needed to persuade apaches about the Classpath license.

From: Dalibor Topic
Subject: Re: Help needed to persuade apaches about the Classpath license.
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 03:20:27 +0200
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Leo Simons wrote:

Meskauskas Audrius wrote:

Maybe you could help me to persuade that folk?

At the moment the policy with regard to GPL+Classpath Exception @ the
ASF is that it is not approved for use within ASF works, and policy
remains like that until it changes. (Which is still being worked on.)

In general, as long as its not approved by $Foundation, its members are not encouraged to use it withing their works. $Foundation meaning the policy "ask, before you use, if there is nothing explicitely encouraging it, don't use it' is in both ASF, FSF, afaict.

Until that time, no amount of persuasion is going to help in dealing
with the geronimo stuff since in order to pass the J2EE TCK they must
include a CORBA impl in their distribution and they're not allowed to do
so according to ASF policy.

Yep. Geronimo has run against the same problem as GNU Classpath wrt to org.omg classes being non-free, so they, too, looked around. TriFork's contribution to Geronimo would be easier to handle for ASF, as it comes under ASL2, and the ASF understands their license's effects in detail (ASL2). That may not be the case for other licensig arrangements, so those arrangements need to be discussed, examined and approved. That takes effort, and effort needs a good incentive ... like the one Hibernate provides in the LGPL case.

Looking at Geronimo from outside, the developers are pretty pragmatic, and don't necessarily support solely ASF components without regard for alternatives. I saw Geronimo work together with both Jetty and Tomcat, so I assume it will be possible for Geronimo to work with OpenEJB, TriFork and GNU Classpath, if the need arises.

In other words, the geronimo developers aren't the crew to convince.

Yeah. In the end, it comes down to convincing the membership/board/legal-discuss. It is necessary to give people a strong positive incentive to investigate the licensing arrangements. And that's best done by good, working code.

The main (only) thing holding us back from actually using Classpath
within Harmony is the legal/licensing mess. If Classpath were under the
Apache License or the MIT License or the BSD License or the MPL 1.1 or
<insert-a-for-apache-less-controversial-license-x> we would probably
have code in Apache SVN already linking to it.

Yeah. The course of action as I see it is to wait till the ASF makes a decision on the LGPL, then move forward to discuss GPL+"linking exception", and then finally address ASL2/GPL2 compatibility issues. Sorted in increasing order of difficulty. ;)

That will all take some time, but that's fine. That does not stop GNU Classpath from working towards completion of 1.4/1.5 class libraries, for example, or JamVM, JCVM, JikesRVM, IKVM ... from making progress.

That said in practise it seems persuading is needed and is not simple.
As Dalibor pointed out a while ago [1] the Apache group has a strong
tradition of debating and seeking consensus through various

Dalibor exaggerated. I thought it was funny :-)

Yep, I did ;) The ASF actually has a great core value in its members desire and striving for maximal transparency, which is why so much happens via consensus on lists.

No decisions seem to be made unless at least three
committees have agreed on a common position/view.

Now, that is simply not the case. In the case of legal matters, no big
decision is made without consulting legal counsel, and then in the end
the ASF board and the ASF board alone makes a decision based on that
legal counsel (and advice and input from many other parties, most
importantly our Vice President of Legal Affairs, Cliff Schmidt).

Yeah, I think Mark forgot add the obligatory smiley after creating a derived work of my exagerrated, brief take on the ASF way of doing things ... ;)

Thanks for putting things in a bigger context, Leo, and explaining how similar the things in either camp are, and how the ASF works. That helps fix misunderstandings my (extra funny!;) exagerrating might have caused.

Has nothing to do with committees or consensus. Has to do with lawyers
and the law.

Yep. ;)

dalibor topic

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