<sarcasm>Yes, because conforming with what the world wants has always been the best way to innovate. </sarcasm>
You have been agreed with you have been debated with. We have all up to this point been very tolerant. Given, however, that this thread has lasted a long while and wasted a lot of peoples time in spite of the fact that they keep agreeing with you and telling you that we are open to your ideas you continue to pontificate. I would like this thread to be brought to a close at some point soon. I honestly think it's sad that this thread should be your only contribution to gnustep aside from the one you made years ago.
My point is this is a*free*software project. All of the people on this project are free to do as they please if you don't like it if you don't like how we want it then you are free to fork it.
Throughout your entire discussion you spoken highly of practicing science as part of doing our project yet you have yet to illustrate which scientific methods you are referring to. The fact the matter is is at the end of the day the only people who have to be satisfied with this project for those who are on it. I think the real question you should be asking is what is the measure of success for project like this? I don't know the answer that question but I suspect that neither do you.
In my first reply to you I told you that we were open to your ideas and we remain so. You have brought nothing new to the discussion in this mailing list. Everything that you have discussed is been discussed before. You asked me for results well the results are there in the repository in there in the mailing list if you're capable of looking for that.
Fact is we all do this because we love it, me of us have a deep and abiding passion for this project something that goes beyond reason and science and any analysis that you could possibly do to tell us what we should or should not be doing.
So I, Personally, I'm tired of listening to you endlessly go over and over and over the same things over and over again. The one who's being intransigent here is you.
None of the little bits that you have shown I met with open distain I personally said that they would that you were right about a number things. The distain is quite honestly in your head. You also fail utterly to tell us how we can be "congruent with the scientific endeavor". Not convinced that you know how yourself.
As I said above this is free software we are free to do what we want. if you don't like it start your own and prove us wrong. Be an example. Also, we get it. There is some places where we are wrong and in those places we are willing to change. All you seem to want to do is yell and debate and I'm tired of it.
Gregory John Casamento
On Friday, December 27, 2013, Doc O'Leary wrote:
In article <mailman.10457.1388083496.10748.discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>,
Ivan Vuãica <ivan@vucica.net> wrote:
> Don't expect the world to pat you on your back for shouting that you have
> an awesome plan for a bridge you aren't showing to anyone, nor bringing
> workers to work on.
Then it's a good thing I'm not doing that. All I'm doing here is
pointing out that the nature of the world around you is sending you a
message that what you're building doesn't follow the rules of what works
for it. You're welcoming to continue to ignore the overwhelming
evidence against you, or you can change your way of thinking to be more
congruent with a scientific endeavor.
Don't blame me for not showing you everything when the little bits I
have shown are met with open distain. You're making it quite clear that
the GNUstep community isn't open to such change. So another decade
passes . . .
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Gregory Casamento
Open Logic Corporation, Principal Consultant
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
(240)274-9630 (Cell)