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Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Kickstarter was not successful... but it did help things...
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2013 18:44:49 +0000

Don't expect the world to pat you on your back for shouting that you have an awesome plan for a bridge you aren't showing to anyone, nor bringing workers to work on.

On 26 Dec 2013 17:50, "Doc O'Leary" <droleary@7usenet2013.subsume.com> wrote:
In article <mailman.10316.1387909847.10748.discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>,
 Ivan Vuãica <ivucica@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue Dec 24 2013 at 6:20:18 PM, Doc O'Leary <
> droleary@7usenet2013.subsume.com> wrote:
> >   In science, criticism often rises to a level above that of
> > mere opinion.  If you don't like that, you're in the wrong field.
> >
> Then it's really good that I'm in engineering and not in science.

That may well be the case.  The physics behind building bridges is not
the same thing as building bridges.  That's why it doesn't surprise me
when I see a lot of software engineers who push to code, code, code.
But they should at least be competent enough to see that that is not the
whole of the picture.  Sometimes the nature of things (e.g., habitat on
Mars vs. Earth) requires that they be built quite differently.
Sometimes a project makes no sense at all (e.g., build a perpetual
motion machine).  Without a scientific context, engineering is just so
much busywork.

I'm still trying to figure out where GNUstep lies in that bigger
picture.  If it is just about raw engineering then, yes indeed, you are
going to contribute to it more than I will.  But don't go expecting the
world to pat you on the back for building an *awesome* bridge to nowhere.

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