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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Empty manifest files

From: Marcus Williams
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Empty manifest files
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 13:03:58 +0000
User-agent: Postbox 2.1.0 (Windows/20101209)

Marcus Williams wrote:
This is 100% reproducable with this test set, whereas before it would
only be reproducable with an incremental. I'm happy patching duplicity
with more debug logging if necessary as I need to solve this.

Under strace, its not 100% reproducable but I've uploaded a log of a
failure here: http://thesafebox.com/backup-failed.log (approx 500k)

Downloading and replacing GnuPGInterface for the original from sourceforge appears to fix the problem, although I dont know what problems it will introduce. I'm testing the backups produced now.

Once I've confirmed its still working I'll try and track down what changes caused it. If anyone has any pointers to what changes were done/are needed let me know.



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