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Re: [eLyXer-users] Full headers in page navigation

From: Axel Jacobs
Subject: Re: [eLyXer-users] Full headers in page navigation
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 02:00:37 +0000
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Hi Alex,

I have a prerelease version ready for this feature (part titles in the
--splitpart navigation header), which I will be sending to you

This is brilliant news!

However I have a question to you all: what would you prefer
to be displayed in this case? The navigation header was until now:
"Previous: Chapter 5" and now should include the title, but "Previous:
Chapter 5: How to Make Friends" has one colon too many. I have played
with a few possibilities:
   Previous Chapter 5: How to Make Friends
   Previous Chapter 5: How to Make Friends
   Previous: Chapter 5  How to Make Friends
   Previous: Chapter 5, How to Make Friends
   Previous: Chapter 5. How to Make Friends
   (Previous) Chapter 5: How to Make Friends
   [Previous] Chapter 5: How to Make Friends
   Previous: How to Make Friends
But none is fully convincing. What do you think?

a) Previous is rather long, how about Prev, Up, Next?

b) I will probably be using the --notoclabels option, provided it applies to the splitpart navi header, too:

(We are in 5.1)
Prev: 5 How To Make Friends
Up: 5 How To Make Friends
Next: 5.2 How Not To Make Enemies

c) In a sense, with chapter numbering applied, it should be fairly obvious that the three links in the navi header follow a certain pattern. Left-to-right languages are based on the concept that left is back/previous/past, and that right is fowards/next/future. That would mean that the labels Prev, Up and Next are not actually required. Considering that some headers might rather long, I am assuming that you are shifting the Up: onto a line of its own. This would again provide a visual cue.

d) I came across an HTML document that was produced with DocBook. Here is an example to add to my state-of-the-art survey from a few days ago: http://ds9a.nl/docbook/fancy-css.html The navi headers are different at the top and bottom of the page. I am referring to the one at the bottom. I find this approach interesting for its good looks as well as for its consistency. Observe how it line-wraps with increased font sizes. I even like the way that the actual titles are not hyperlinked, only the labels: Prev, Up, Home (could be Index or TOC?), and Next. Direct-link to the index is quite a handy thing to have, too. Coding-wise this uses a table, which is bit ugly, though.

To summarise: d) would be my preferred option.



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