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Re: [eLyXer-users] Full headers in page navigation

From: Jose Ramon Alvarez Sanchez
Subject: Re: [eLyXer-users] Full headers in page navigation
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 13:19:27 +0100

El mié, 02-02-2011 a las 02:00 +0000, Axel Jacobs escribió:
> (We are in 5.1)
> Prev: 5 How To Make Friends
> Up: 5 How To Make Friends
> Next: 5.2 How Not To Make Enemies

It seems reasonable to have shorter labels and the colon to 
separate just the extra label, like "Prev:", "Up:", "Next:", etc.
The rest could be exactly as it is shown in the document
(remember there exist unnumbered sections, etc.)
that depends on the --notoclabels option. That is:

   Prev: 5 How To Make Friends    
   Up: All About Friends And Foes   [document title?]
   Next: 5.2 How Not To Make Enemies

or without --notoclabels option

   Prev: Chapter 5 How To Make Friends
   Up: All About Friends And Foes   [document title without label?]
   Next: Section 5.2 How Not To Make Enemies

By the way, if the document language is Spanish or Hungarian,
Babel adds a dot after sectioning numbers in TOC and contents
titles for the LaTeX result (like: "5.2. How Not To Make Enemies"). 
(see pag. 179 and 263). The default for all languages is NO character
after section numbers.

In eLyXer there is some inconsistency about end of sectioning
numbers. In TOC with --notoclabels there is a dot, and without
--notoclabels it is a colon. The sectioning numbers in document 
content are always without separator. Maybe it should be changed
to no termination character in all cases.
The additional dot for some languages (or other optional character
with default empty value) could be implemented later if necessary.

Jose R.

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