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Re: Emacs Survey: Toolbars

From: Alfred M. Szmidt
Subject: Re: Emacs Survey: Toolbars
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 13:10:29 -0500

   If some more than a few people really do expect
   setting (option) changes to be saved automatically,
   then we could add an option (!) (or a minor mode)
   that does that.  Turn on that option, and thereafter
   all changes you make to options, faces, themes, etc.
   get saved automatically.

FWIW (tiny data point) I know many users that are suprised about the
fact that toggling an option in the menu-bar doesn't save it

   Note that that behavior can get in the way of user
   experimentation.  Not that it's necessarily limiting
   - it's just a different approach.

It would be nice if one could see what options one set (via the
toolbar); then one could see what one is experimenting with. 

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