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Re: On Contributing To Emacs

From: LdBeth
Subject: Re: On Contributing To Emacs
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 13:05:22 +0800
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.15.9 (Almost Unreal) SEMI-EPG/1.14.7 (Harue) FLIM-LB/1.14.9 (Gojō) APEL-LB/10.8 EasyPG/1.0.0 Emacs/27.2 (x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0) MULE/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)

>>>>> In <E1n23zC-0007fx-Vq@fencepost.gnu.org> 
>>>>>   Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> wrote:
RMS> Why is anything special needed to "install the package as if it were a
RMS> package"?  What does that even mean?  Why isn't it enough just to
RMS> instantiate its repository and use it straightaway?

Basically, users of straight.el feel that it would be cool to have all
the jobs of clone and update git repos, compile elisp files and setup
the load-path been done "automatically", with only one line in their
.emacs.el, and all expecting that should be "dumb proof" enough that
copying their .emacs.el to another machine (possibly running different
OS) with out the elpa/ directories and the repos of external emacs
plugins can still bootstrap and reproduce the same Emacs environment,
with minimized manual intervention.

The above scenario is common among people who are sharing their
.emacs.el files to those have no time/no experience to building their
own emacs configurations.

Hope that could resolve the uncertainty.


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