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Re: EBrowse obsolete?

From: Tim Cross
Subject: Re: EBrowse obsolete?
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 11:35:48 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.6; emacs 29.0.50

Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

>> Not if my reading of Reddit is correct.  We definitely improved
>> things, though, and quite a lot.  But using a server over the network
>> will never be as performant as a local solution.
> AFAIK most uses of LSP are local (no network involved).

Yes, that has been my experience with a few different languages. The
server runs locally (you could connect to a remote one if desired, but
many of these servers are small and trivial to install, so just as easy
to run it locally). In at least a couple of the servers I've used, all
the 'server' really does is provide a consistent interface across a
number of other distinct tools (linters, document lookup services,
language parser, completion, etc). In the past, I would have achieved almost the
identical outcome by installing all these separate tools and then
configuring Emacs interfaces to them i.e. flymake/flycheck, xref, eldoc, company
etc. Now I just configure lsp-mode or eglot and I'm done. Getting a
reasonably 'modern' environment working with LSP has certainly been
easier for me than it was previously, but I suspect a lot depends on the
languages your working with and the maturity of the servers for those
languages. There were definitely some issues with lsp-mode initially,
but I've found it very stable and effective in recent months. I also
find eglot promising, but it still seems a ways behind lsp-mode, which
is not surprising given the differences in age and user numbers. I do
prefer eglot because of its closer integration with Emacs (also why I'v
moved away from ivy/company to vertico/embark/corfu). 

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