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Re: Storing sensitive data indefinitely in variables or buffers: Whether

From: Adam Porter
Subject: Re: Storing sensitive data indefinitely in variables or buffers: Whether and how to fix?
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2023 18:47:07 -0500
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On 6/2/23 01:30, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2023 15:47:39 -0500
Cc: adam@alphapapa.net, emacs-devel@gnu.org, yantar92@posteo.net
From: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>

plstore looks like an interesting library, but even that looks like more
than the simple solution I'm wishing for.  I'm not sure that, as an
application author, I should need to care about which keys in a record
are encrypted or not.  I just want to do something simple and Lispy, like:

    (alist-get "@alphapapa:matrix.org" (secure-storage 'ement-sessions))

To get my Matrix session's data.  Or:

    (map-nested-elt (secure-storage 'ement-sessions)
'("@alphapapa:matrix.org" token))

to get that session's token.  And then:

    (setf (map-nested-elt (secure-storage 'ement-sessions)
'("@alphapapa:matrix.org" token)) "foobarbaz")

to write the data to the secure storage.  And then the secure-storage
library should automatically handle the encryption/decryption,
filesystem location, backend format, prompting the user for a key and/or
caching it appropriately, etc.

I think this is the simplest kind of API that could be useful to
applications--and it would be really useful.

I see no problems implementing such a simple API on top of plstore.el.
But I don't really understand why you would care to use alist-get
instead of, say, plstore-get.  Why does it matter whether the storage
is presented as an alist or as an opaque storage with accessor and

I don't mean that it should be an alist specifically. I mean that I'd just like to get/put a Lisp object, which I could then use with standard Lisp functions like alist-get, plist-get, gethash, as well as map-elt, and setf wrappers for setting, etc.

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