> I am working on a master's thesis in which I will be solving for eddy
> currents on an arbitrary conductive plate in a 2d domain with an applied
> H field perpendicular to the domain.From these solutions I could find the
> magnetic field associated with the eddy currents and use that solution to
> optimize the resulting H field to my desired distribution.
Which mathematical equation has to be solved on the 2d domain?
Quasi-static Maxwell's equations:
Curl H = Js + Je
Del dot B = 0
Curl E = - j omega B
Del dot D = 0
Je = sigma E
B = mu H
D = epsilon E
> I believe I will have to program my own domain class to accomplish this.
The class <domain> should be general enough to accomplish this.
Essentially, in Femlisp, a <domain> object is more or less the same as a
mesh (both are derived from the class <skeleton>). This is quite general,
because also blob cells (called <boundary-cell>) are allowed which can then
be triangulated using Triangle.
best examples would be in #p"femlisp:src;mesh;domain.lisp" and #p"femlisp:src;mesh;skeleton.lisp" i assume?
BTW, I installed triangle from downloading it from Shewchuk and put it in my path. Is this not the preferred way? Do I have to load #p"femlisp:src;mesh;triangle.lisp" to get that functionality?
> All this while learning lisp :)
Good luck!
Thank you, as I get deeper and deeper into femlisp I will probably be asking questions.