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Re: [Fle3-users] Zope/FLE Complete Lock Up while reloading customized dt

From: Tarmo Toikkanen
Subject: Re: [Fle3-users] Zope/FLE Complete Lock Up while reloading customized dtmls
Date: Thu Aug 29 06:11:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i

Hello Vicky,

This seems like quite a mess you've managed to create. ;) The partial
error message of "longint" doesn't tell me much, except it feels like
it's more of a server problem, not Fle3 related. And if your ZMI (Zope
Management Interface) has stopped responding, then definitely Fle3 is
not the source of your problems. The reason could be as simple as the
server running out of free disk space. Zope's database does
incremental changes only, so it just grows and grows. You'll want to
pack the database every now and then (ZMI->Control

I would first of all recommend restarting Zope to see if ZMI is
accessible. If not, look at Zope's error logs to see what is going on
and try to get it running.

If you cancel a DTML update in Fle3, it just basically stops in the
middle of the update, leaving some files old and some files new. The
one file that was being processed at that time might be missing, but
that is all. Another DTML update should fix the situation.

If Zope works, but Fle3 doesn't, you could check out ZMI -> Control
Panel -> Products. The list should contain FLE. If there is a notice
that the product is broken, then you have an error somewhere. However,
errors in DTML syntax shouldn't break the entire products. Errors in
the python files will do that, though.

Hopefully you've been making alterations to the dtml files in the file
system and reloading the DTML files every now and then, so there is no
work lost if you need to reinstall Zope. I'm just guessing here, but
this seems like a problem with Zope or Python and your platform.

If you have actual content inside an Fle3 environment that you'd like
to store even if you need to reinstall Zope, you could try to access
the fle_export method to get a full XML export of the data, which you
can then reimport after fixing the system. So aim your browser at
http://yourserver/yourfledirectory/fle_export and see if you'll
receive a zipped archive file. Store this and use it when recreating
your Fle3 environments after getting the server back to working

Tarmo Toikkanen
The Fle3 Team

On 28.08.2002, 19:23:44, Vicky wrote:

We've been (carefully) customizing the dtml files in the "ui/" folder of our Fle and today while I was reloading the "Webtop/index_html.dtml file", I received an error starting with "longint..." ("...could not be translated(?)..." unfortunately I don't have more details and now we're locked out)
During the last reload attempt, I had a time-out problem and hit the Back button of my 
browser and clicked "Reload DTMLS" again and then I received the error.

Then I tried re-loading the back-up I'd made of the file prior to my changes, 
but I kept on receiving the error  - I tried a few times and then was 

Now we can't even access our manage console and receive the IE "server not found 
error" eventhough the server and the service were running prior to trying to access 
our Zope and our FLE. Zope and Fle aren't accessible using the IP address either.

The change I made to the file I was uploading was that I removed a height attribute from the table containing 
students' courses on their webtops. Prior to that I'd reloaded the "fle_html_footer file" (to which 
I'd added a simple html sentence) and the "standard_error_message" (which I'd customized with our 
colours and font), both in the  "ui/FLE" folder.

I intentionally created errors to test the error message page, but I was able 
to access Fle without a problem after that test.

I've made no changes to Python files. I've been working only in the "ui" folder.

Question: Do we have to re-install Zope and Fle or is there a particular file 
we could re-install or run to retrieve it?

Thanks for any assistance :-)

Best regards,

Vicky Kaelin

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