I am currently trying to solve a contact problem between a hyperelastic rubber and a rigid bosy and I need to calculate the pressure values on either on the rubber.
I am using Incompressible Mooney-Rivlin Hyperelastic law and if my model I am adding also adding finite strain incompressibility brick.
Now when I calculate Cauchy Stress from second piola kirchhoff stress, I am getting the Hydrostatic term (-1/3Tr(sigma)) of the cauchy stress tensor as zero which is what it should be as the material is incompressible.
So, is there a way is getfem to calculate the hydrostatic pressure term for such incompressible materials.I believe treating the material as nearly incompressible (Poisson's ratio 0.499) is one way to solve it but I don't know how it works or if it is implemented in the model.
Could you guys please provide any help or suggestion to calculate the hydrostatic pressure for such a case.
Thanks a lot.
Yours sincerely