From: | samyak jain |
Subject: | Re: [Getfem-users] Calculating Hydrostatic Pressure for Incompressible Non-Linear Hyperelastic material |
Date: | Fri, 10 Feb 2017 13:47:03 +0900 |
############################### Perfect Incompressible Case ####################################
import getfem as gf
import numpy as np
########### Physical parameters #############
# For Rubber/tool
young = 0.7967
poisson = 0.4999
toolOffset = -0.4 # Rubber Offset 0.4 mm
E1 = young # Young Modulus (N/mm^2)
nu1 = poisson # Poisson ratio
clambda1 = E1*nu1/((1+nu1)*(1-2*nu1)) # First Lame coefficient (N/mm^2)
cmu1 = E1/(2*(1+nu1)) # Second Lame coefficient (N/mm^2)
C10 = 0.23 # R1C10 - Mooney Rivlin 1st Parameter - 0.23 MPa = 0.23 N/mm^2
C01 = 0.057 # R1C01 - Mooney Rivlin 2nd Parameter - 0.057 MPa = 0.057 N/mm^2
# For Workpiece
E2 = 1e15 # Very high Young Modulus (N/mm^2) --> Close to rigid body
nu2 = 0.3
clambda2 = E2*nu2/((1+nu2)*(1-2*nu2)) # First Lame coefficient (N/mm^2)
cmu2 = E2/(2*(1+nu2)) # Second Lame coefficient (N/mm^2)
########### Numerical parameters #############
elements_degree = 3 # Degree of the finite element methods
######### Mesh Import ###############
file_msh1 = "tool_hemisphere.msh"
file_msh2 = "workpiece1.msh"
mesh1 = gf.Mesh('import','gmsh',file_msh1)
mesh2 = gf.Mesh('import','gmsh',file_msh2)
########## Boundary selection ###########
P1 = mesh1.pts()
P2 = mesh2.pts()
top = (P1[2,:] + 1e-6) > 0.0
workTop = (P2[2,:] + 1e-6) > -10.0 # Only top surface of the workpiece
work = (P2[2,:] + 1e-6) > -1001.0 ### Get the entire mesh ####
pidtop = np.compress(top,range(0,mesh1.nbpts()))
pidworkTop = np.compress(workTop,range(0,mesh2.nbpts()))
pidwork = np.compress(work,range(0,mesh2.nbpts()))
ftop = mesh1.faces_from_pid(pidtop) # Tool-hemisphere top surface
fcontactWork = mesh2.faces_from_pid(pidworkTop) # Workpiece's top face
fAllWork = mesh2.faces_from_pid(pidwork) # Entire Workpiece's
fcontact = mesh1.outer_faces_with_direction([0., 0., -1.], np.pi/4.5) # Contact boundary of the tool (rubber)
fbot = mesh2.outer_faces_with_direction([0., 0., -1.], 0.05) # Workpiece's bottom face - Constrained by ground below
########## Body - 1 ###############
# Definition of finite elements methods and integration method
mfu1 = gf.MeshFem(mesh1, 3)
pre_mflambda1 = gf.MeshFem(mesh1, 3)
# FEM for Stress Tensor
mfPKST = gf.MeshFem(mesh1)
# Set few regions for the mesh
mesh1.set_region(TOOL_TOP_BOUND, ftop)
mesh1.set_region(CONTACT_BOUND, fcontact)
# Integration Methods
mim1 = gf.MeshIm(mesh1, 4)
mim1_contact = gf.MeshIm(mesh1, 4)
######## Body - 2 ##################
mfu2 = gf.MeshFem(mesh2, 3)
# Set few regions for the mesh
mesh2.set_region(CONTACT_BOUND2, fcontactWork)
mesh2.set_region(BOTTOM_BOUND, fbot)
mesh2.set_region(ALL_WORK, fAllWork)
# Integration Methods
mim2 = gf.MeshIm(mesh2, 4)
mim2_contact = gf.MeshIm(mesh2, 4)
######## Model definition ###############
md.add_fem_variable('u1', mfu1) # Displacement of the structure 1
md.add_filtered_fem_variable('lambda1', pre_mflambda1, CONTACT_BOUND)
# Add data of the model and add a elasticity brick for the rubber
md.add_initialized_data('cmu1', [cmu1])
md.add_initialized_data('clambda1', [clambda1])
md.add_initialized_data('mrParams', [0.23, 0.057])
# md.add_initialized_data('mrParams', [0.23])
md.add_finite_strain_elasticity_brick(mim1, 'Incompressible Mooney Rivlin', 'u1', '[0.23, 0.057]')
md.add_fem_variable('u2', mfu2) # Displacement of the structure 2
# Add the Lame coefficients as data of the model and add a linearized elasticity brick for the workpiece
md.add_initialized_data('cmu2', [cmu2])
md.add_initialized_data('clambda2', [clambda2])
md.add_isotropic_linearized_elasticity_brick(mim2, 'u2', 'clambda2', 'cmu2')
# Large Sliding Contact condition
md.add_initialized_data('r', gamma0)
indbrick = md.add_integral_large_sliding_contact_brick_raytracing('r', 1.0)
md.add_slave_contact_boundary_to_large_sliding_contact_brick(indbrick, mim1_contact, CONTACT_BOUND, 'u1', 'lambda1')
md.add_master_contact_boundary_to_large_sliding_contact_brick(indbrick, mim2_contact, CONTACT_BOUND2, 'u2')
# md.add_rigid_obstacle_to_large_sliding_contact_brick(indbrick, 'z+6', 3)
# Add Incompressibility brick as we are using incompressible mooney-rivlin law
mfp = gf.MeshFem(mesh1,1)
md.add_fem_variable('p', mfp) # Hydrostatic pressure multiplier term
md.add_finite_strain_incompressibility_brick(mim1, 'u1', 'p')
# Add dirichlet displacement boundary conditions on the rubber surface (TOOL_TOP_BOUND) as there is no force condition
md.add_initialized_data('toolOffset', [0.0,0.0,toolOffset])
md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim1, 'u1', 1, TOOL_TOP_BOUND, 'toolOffset')
# Add dirichlet boundary conditions on the workpiece surface (BOTTOM_BOUND)
md.add_initialized_data('fixedBottom', [0.0,0.0,0.0])
md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim2, 'u2', 1, -1, 'fixedBottom') # Entire Mesh
# md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim2, 'u2', 1, BOTTOM_BOUND, 'fixedBottom')
######### Model solve ##############
print 'Solve problem with ', md.nbdof(), ' dofs'
md.solve('max_res', 1E-7, 'max_iter', 20, 'noisy' , 'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha min', 0.8)
# Solution export
U1 = md.variable('u1') # Values are correct
U2 = md.variable('u2') # Values are correct
Pr = md.variable('p') # Hydrostatic pressure - Values are 10 to 50 times large and both positive/negative
####### Pressure and Stress Calculations ##############
# Hydrostatic Pressure Calculations from Cauchy Stress (The values are zero)
pressureMethod1 = md.interpolation("-0.33*Trace(Cauchy_stress_from_PK2(Incompressible_Mooney_Rivlin_sigma(Grad_u1, [0.23, 0.057]),Grad_u1))", mfPKST, -1)
# Hydrostatic Pressure Calculations from Cauchy Stress after adding the incompressible pressure part (The values are 10 times higher and are both positive and negative)
pressureMethod2 = md.interpolation("-0.33*Trace(Cauchy_stress_from_PK2(Incompressible_Mooney_Rivlin_sigma(Grad_u1, [0.23, 0.057]),Grad_u1) - p*Id(3) )", mfPKST, -1)
slice = gf.Slice(('planar',0,[[0],[0],[-10+abs(toolOffset)]],[[0],[0],[1]]), mfu1, 3)
pressureOnSlice = gf.compute_interpolate_on(mfPKST, pressure, slice)
slice.export_to_pos('slice.pos', mfPKST, pressure, 'Pressure(N/mm^2)', mfu1, U1, 'Displacement(mm)')
Dear Samyak,
May be to be more precise, I would add that if you use the finite strain incompressible law, then the multiplier (call it lambda) used to prescribe the incompressiblity constraint is to be added to the spheric part of the Hyperelastic Law used
sigma = Hyperelastic_law_used - lambda Id(3)
So that the hydrostatic pressure is -1/3*Tr(sigma) contains two terms.
Le 09/02/2017 à 09:26, Konstantinos Poulios a écrit :
Dear Samyak,It is definitely not true that the hydrostatic term -1/3*Tr(sigma) should be zero in an incompressible material. If this is the case you are simply calculating the deviatoric part of sigma instead of sigma. In order to get sigma you need to add the term p*Id(3). Actually the hydrostatic term you are looking for is simply equal to p.
Best regardsKostas
On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 4:20 AM, samyak jain <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear getfem-users,
I am currently trying to solve a contact problem between a hyperelastic rubber and a rigid bosy and I need to calculate the pressure values on either on the rubber.
I am using Incompressible Mooney-Rivlin Hyperelastic law and if my model I am adding also adding finite strain incompressibility brick.
Now when I calculate Cauchy Stress from second piola kirchhoff stress, I am getting the Hydrostatic term (-1/3Tr(sigma)) of the cauchy stress tensor as zero which is what it should be as the material is incompressible.
So, is there a way is getfem to calculate the hydrostatic pressure term for such incompressible materials.I believe treating the material as nearly incompressible (Poisson's ratio 0.499) is one way to solve it but I don't know how it works or if it is implemented in the model.
Could you guys please provide any help or suggestion to calculate the hydrostatic pressure for such a case.
Thanks a lot.
Yours sincerelySamyak
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