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Re: [Gnash] Re: gnash only creates blank standalone window.....

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Re: gnash only creates blank standalone window.....
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:30:36 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

Jonas Wolz wrote:

It works for me under FreeBSD, too. Thank you very much :-)

  Cool, cause I just checked in this patch. :-)

BTW, are there any plans to fix the configure script some time in the future
so that you don't need to set LDFLAGS and CFLAGS manually to make configure
find SDL (and gtkglext) under FreeBSD?

Yes, although having no access to a FreeBSD machine makes it impossible for me to test and debug this except through the efforts of folks like yourself. One of these I should drop the money and buy a AMD64, and install a handful of BSD and GNU/Linux distributions on it via Xen for testing... Anybody want to make a hardware donation ? :-)

"-lSDL" while the FreeBSD SDL port puts the headers
into /usr/local/include/SDL11 and needs "-lSDL-1.1 -pthread".
It doesn't find gtkglext because configure doesn't look for the headers
in /usr/X11R6/include (where the FreeBSD port installs them).

Ug. I sure wish the various unixes out there would agree on package naming conventions for this. /usr/local/include/SDL11 is so non-standard compared to any other OS... What I should also do is have the SDL support turned off if the GtkGl support is enabled. I'm currently rewriting the entire GUI front end code to clear up some of the gnarly dependencies and spaghetti ifdef code, so I'll work this in to. The plan is to drop the SDL support and replace it all with FLTK instead as it does event handling better, and supports menus and a better UI. FLTK is as portable as SDL, and has OpenGL support, so it seems the way to go.

The --with-sdl-* options to configure should let you redefine these paths without manually setting the FLAGS.

        - rob -

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