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Re: [gNewSense-users] How to install Gnewsense on a Yeelong Notebook wit

From: Sam Geeraerts
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] How to install Gnewsense on a Yeelong Notebook without CD-rom?
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 20:46:39 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20101029)

Snoopys Woodstock wrote:
I realy don't see how to go on. For me it seems that the debootstrap
will install gNS 3.0 but if it's not officially I would like the
current version of gNewSense.

The current version of gNewSense is 2.3, which doesn't run on the Yeeloong.

gNewSense doesn't have CD-using media for YeeLoong, so it won't be different than without CDs. If your YeeLoong has another distro preinstalled, it can be used to format an USB disk with ext2 and put there files needed to install gNewSense (using debootstrap or Parkes installer when it'll be ready).

But if the netinstaller don't work so why do I need a formated USB

The installer can't currently be used for normal installation, but an experienced user could use it to install with the debootstrap method.

Sorry for questioning like a kid but I realy would like to get that
gNewSense on that Yeelong.

Asking questions means learning. That's a good thing.
I hope to work on the installer soon, but I can't tell you when it'll be ready. If you really really want to install it now then you could come to the #gnewsense IRC channel and maybe someone is available to guide you through the debootstrap procedure.

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