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Re: Design vs. usability / functionality focus

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: Design vs. usability / functionality focus
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 17:22:40 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Victor Engmark wrote:
> Davi Leal wrote:
> > The project should not lose something what is good just because it is a
> > little more difficult to style.
> It looks like we should decide whether we want to build this thing:
>  bottom-up
>     DB, accessor functions, output functions, CSS, and then JavaScript,
>  top-down
>     HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DB, and then accessor functions,
>  or organically
>     everyone works on anything. 

Note we are not using JavaScript.

IMHO, the project is already build. IMHO, the project must keep using the 
current webapp architecture and general design, to be able to get the 1.0 
version milestone, (the sooner the better), and so try to move to the FSF 

Anyway, if we manage to improve the HTML/CSS layers before 1.0, the better. 
That would be an extra positive point. After 1.0 we can change anything if we 
want: architecture, design, etc.

If the design is not optimal we could change it after the 1.0 version.

> I completely agree that style and usability are both difficult,
> important, and fun to work on, but I believe a small change
> in the functionality can necessitate a big change in the
> interface, and I don't think the opposite is likely.

> I'm afraid we'll end up forcing content changes onto a design
> which is no longer optimal.

IMHO, the current architecture and design is enough decoupled to allow 
modify-update interfaces without being forced to realize huge changes at 
others layers: DB, etc.

Obviously, the below task will add new code at all layers due to it just adds 
a new feature, which will need new DB fields, a new webpage, etc. That will 
be so with any architecture or design we use:

  task: Add the webpage to administration and management operations

I propose:

  * Develop the main missing features.

  * Along the way, follow adding improvements which we think are
    easy to develop, as changing some view or replacing the
    <table>s based layout, etc.

  * Try to move to the FSF hosting servers.


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