On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 02:22:43AM -0500, David Grant wrote:
I've added a setup.py and MANIFEST.in file which uses distutils to do
two things (which are built-in distutils behaviour):
1. Create a tarball for distribution (this is for developers to make
2. Install gnumed into a users system, by specifying a prefix like /usr
and a root like / or /builds/test/gnumed/image (end users and/or packagers)
python setup.py sdist
to create the tarball in a directory called dist by default
You can go into ./dist and try it out:
tar zxvf Gnumed-0.1.tar.gz
python setup.py install --prefix /usr --root ./image
This works to install, but it won't run: gnumed can't find the
modules under
/lib/python2.3/site-packages, to use this all the gnumed
source files need to change their import commands as you said.