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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: install notes

From: Jim Busser
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: install notes
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 00:33:37 -0700

I have cut and pasted from some of Andreas's postings into a wiki page.

For some reason is taking a very long time to render and sometimes save or load wiki data files so I provide a copy here. I realize that I may have assembled the info incorrectly. It can be fixed directly on the wiki or, if commented here, I can later upload the changes:

Debian Installers

download the *.deb files at the location above
1. try 'dpkg -i *.deb'.
dpkg will tell you which packages are needed
you can paste these packages into an 'apt-get install ...' call
that's it for the dependencies!
2. postgres
bootstrapping works quite well in the gnumed-snapshot-server* packages
might be a problem if you start from scratch, or if you use the localized packages
the users which are necessary to create are created by the postinst script of the gnumed-snapshot-server package.
no other users should be needed
if this is wrong (i.e. other users are needed), Andreas Tille would like to know
configuration is done in /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf
the (hopefully) smallest changes to the postgresql permissions are done in the postinst script of gnumed-snapshot-server
3. postmaster
Starting services is done via
/etc/init.d/ [start|stop|restart|...]
thus, after changing something under /etc/postgresql/, issue
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart
4. to later bootstrap the latest version from CVS, the postinst script containing the right options for the Debian installation can be found at

Search for any newer postings concerning "Debian packages" at the gnumed-devel archive

For people concerned that Gnumed may have undergone much CVS development after creation of the last .deb, just grab the debian/ directory and say:
<x-tad-smaller> ~> make -f rules get-orig-source # Builds an orig.tar.gz from CVS
~> tar -xzf *.orig.tar.gz
~> cp -a debian/ <gnumed-dir>
~> cd <gnumed-dir>
~> debuild -k'Your GPG-key-ID <address@hidden>'

For those trying to do their own builds from source, note the caveats at:

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