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Re: [Gnumed-devel] A question re demographics

From: Ian Haywood
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] A question re demographics
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 14:55:19 +1000

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:09:44 +1000
Richard Terry <address@hidden> wrote:

> There are many which are fairly basic and elementary programming things (eg 
> controls not cleared at start of patient search,
I see your point, unfortuately, this is programmatically not simple.
Clicking on the patient search can generate a "save_patient" event to clear all 
the widgets,
that's easy. but writing responders is going to take a little while.
Should go on the post-0.1 TODO list.

> to non-functioning sections,
Addresses now works again, simple fix.
Patient NOK never has worked, as I don't understand how in the GUI we should 
relationships. Anyway, should go on TODO for post-0.1

Patient picture, well, let me work on that, shouldn't take too long.
> to illogical layout).
That's true. Feel free to rearrange.


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