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Re: [Gnumed-devel] comm_channel table

From: Ian Haywood
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] comm_channel table
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 12:25:35 +1000

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 18:27:36 -0700
Jim Busser <address@hidden> wrote:

> This table will hold values like:
> phone <> (123) 456-7890
> email <> address@hidden
> is it not helpful to accommodate work/home, is this meant to be a 
> detail of the type or it an extra. optional field over which there is 
> not yet agreement (or agreement that I am unaware of, to not have it)
IMHO work/home is only an issue for landline phones, other communication 
mechanisms tend to
follow the inidivdual where they go, so "home_phone" and "work_phone" types?
Do we need "home_fax"? Perhaps for cardiologists.....
> Also I offer revised descriptions below (to me, they would be more 
> correct and/or less ambiguous; matter less to me now that I followed 
> the references through, but use if you like)
It's in CVS.

Do you want a CVS account?


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