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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Gui-Designers was the id_name debate

From: E Dodd
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Gui-Designers was the id_name debate
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 20:12:57 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

On Friday 17 September 2004 11:18, J Busser wrote:

> >Yet another possibility would be to assume a pseudo identity
> >with formally valid but factually incorrect demographics.
> >BTW what about liability ? I think it might be possible to
> >construe cases where the doctor would have done/recommended
> >certain checks/procedures had he known the real age but didn't
> >in view of the lack of age information ?
> I repeat it seems important to be able to create a patient with a
> date of birth that is any of:
> - null (default) or
> - valid date or
> - ? possibly - somehow able to be recorded as "believed to be
> unknowable" or (perhaps) only a year of birth as an approximate year
> which may or not be correct.

currently we leave the dob blank, accept the warning box, and continue.
the path lab usually gets the info out of them, transfers it back with results 
and I enter it later...

They went rushing down that freeway,
Messed around and got lost.
They didn't care... they were just dying to get off,
And it was life in the fast lane.
                -- Eagles, "Life in the Fast Lane"

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