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Re: [Gnumed-devel] tracking status of "blob" style path results

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] tracking status of "blob" style path results
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 07:32:51 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

> > > I still need a simple table for unmatched [path] results, something like:
> Canada (British Columbia) will need the same thing.
Here is the status quo:

create table unmatched_test_result (
        pk serial primary key,
        fk_patient_candidates integer[],
        request_id text
        firstnames text,
        lastnames text,
        dob date,
        postcode text,
        other_info text,
        type text,
        data text               -- bytea, perhaps ?
) inherits (audit_fields);

select add_table_for_audit('test_result');

comment on table unmatched_test_result is
        'this table holds test results that could not be matched
         to one single patient automatically, it is intended to
         facilitate manual matching,

         - use "modified_when" for import time';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.fk_patient_candidates is
        'a matching algorithm can be applied to produce
         a list of likely candidate patients, the question
         remains whether this should not be done at runtime';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.request_id is
        'request ID as found in <data>';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.firstnames is
        'first names as found in <data>';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.lastnames is
        'last names as found in <data>';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.dob is
        'date of birth as found in <data>';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.postcode is
        'postcode as found in <data>';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.other_info is
        'other identifying information as found in <data>';
comment on column unmatched_test_result.type is
        'the type of <data>, eg HL7, LDT, ...,
         useful for selecting an importer';
comment on column is
        'the raw data';

> I can contribute some suggested fields in the next week or two if 
> there is no rush defining the table.
Please do !

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