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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Some suggestions to make gnumed more efficient

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Some suggestions to make gnumed more efficient
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 09:54:03 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

Hallo Christoph,

> I downloaded the schema and tried to install it via psql. With this 
> there were (at least) the following problems:

> A pg_dump does not dump any groups and users. Thus, if a db schema 
> needs any users and groups to be installed, it should come with a 
> sql-script which will install those users and groups.
One cannot simply use an SQL script for those groups/users
that are mandatory because there is no way to check for errors
vs. the users already existing without using *code* outside
the capacity of psql.

One reason we have a bootstrapper.

> PLpgsql could not be installed with gnumeds schema-dump, which resulted 
> in many errormessages. The reason seems to be that the pg_dump of gnumed 
> contains the following statement:
Yes, this is the reason. I will add $libdir to our list
of directories that the bootstrapper tries when installing
plpgsql. Maybe that helps.

One more reason we have a bootstrapper.

> By the way, Dezign for Databases reports that, Gnumed has 184 Tables 
> with 1024 Columns.
> This obvious complexity, together with the difficutly to get the backend 
> running (on Windows)  may be a bit deterrent for anybody who realy wants 
> to develop a GUI.
Well, no one said storing medical data is easy.

> I do have LATEX forms for the German Kassenrezept and the 
> Arbeitsunfähigkeistbescheinigung.
> I attatch the texfiles.
Thanks a lot for those ! I will check them into CVS. They are
really useful for us. Also, your concept of how to place the
form on paper sounds good.

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