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Re: [Gnumed-devel] vaccination indication input panel

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] vaccination indication input panel
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 15:13:18 +0200

> Not sure I understand the "... or indications"
> Should it not be
>       Indications:

Since this (the Vaccine / Indications dichotomy working in lock-step)
seems to create much confusion among the Learned Ones (Richard contacted
me offlist asking what the heck this is supposed to be :-)  I suppose
we might want to drop it altogether and decree that - within the
vaccination edit area - one can only ever select a vaccine directly.

For when the user doesn't know the vaccine name and there's no
generic/fake vaccine already available the user will have to create
a fake one herself. For fostering which an "Add" button will henceforth 
decorate the "Vaccine" line.

Would that create less confusion even at the cost of - perhaps - a bit
of decreased convenience ?


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