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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Placeholders templates, and %s

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Placeholders templates, and %s
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:51:32 +0000

On 2013-08-29, at 4:12 AM, Karsten Hilbert <address@hidden> wrote:

> When "format" is required it is used to tell GNUmed to
> output tables or lists in certain formats, say, as LaTeX
> code (we don't yet have any other format supported).
>> current_meds_table … format, options
>> current_meds_notes …  format, options
>> ---> what are these formats and options?
> format = latex, irrelevant, as it can output latex only anyways :)
> options: doesn't make a difference :-)

Am I correct to think of (and refer to) both

        format, options

as 'possible future-use' and that to currently-insert (or omit) a value makes 
no difference?

Can I go a leap further, and expect that where GNUmed does not currently 
expect, nor know, what to do with such args, the content is simply ignored?

… IOW, provided that unescaped control characters are avoided, one could put

        $< current_meds_table::foo bar::>$

and 'foo bar' would simply be ignored?

Among the reasons I am going to such trouble to pin this down is because -- 
apart from "what's the userid and password for GNUmed?" and "why can I not 
access my local database (which I did not yet create)?" -- it seems to me that 
placeholders are a big area where motivated-but-technically-limited users could 

-- Jim

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