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Re: XML Property List code in GNUstep Base

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: XML Property List code in GNUstep Base
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 17:04:44 +0100

On 14 Jul 2015, at 16:47, Stefan Bidigaray <address@hidden> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone with the right credentials had seen this e-mail?  I 
> would gladly make the changes, but I don't know how to add new files to the 
> website.  To me, the solution seems pretty simple: (1) add "plist-1.0.dtd" 
> (or whatever) to the website, (2) modify the code to point to it, 
> (3) modify the plist version attribute to "1.0".  The only thing I can do 
> without introducing introducing the new file is correct the file name from 
> plist-0_9.xml to plist-0_9.dtd.  I don't feel comfortable bumping the version 
> number without also introducing the new dtd file.

I’d also be interested to see what NetBSD’s XML plist library does.  I believe 
that they just use the Apple DTD, which might be a better option for us - it’s 
easier for code consuming plists to validate that the DTD string is the same 
than to fetch and validate that the DTDs are equivalent.


-- Sent from my Apple II

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