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Re: XML Property List code in GNUstep Base

From: Stefan Bidigaray
Subject: Re: XML Property List code in GNUstep Base
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2015 13:18:16 -0400

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:58 PM, Richard Frith-Macdonald <address@hidden> wrote:

> On 14 Jul 2015, at 17:04, David Chisnall <address@hidden> wrote:
> I’d also be interested to see what NetBSD’s XML plist library does.  I believe that they just use the Apple DTD, which might be a better option for us - it’s easier for code consuming plists to validate that the DTD string is the same than to fetch and validate that the DTDs are equivalent.

Yes, the format (and presumably the dtd document location) has been stable for several years now … I suppose there’s no reason we can’t point to it.

I would argue that providing our own DTD file is a more prudent choice.

For one, it provide a certain level of autonomy.  For example, is the 0.9 version of Apple's DTD still available?  What guarantees that version 1.0 of the file will be available 5 years from now if the version is bumped?

A XML plist parser does not need to be a full XML parser, and can skip the DTD validation altogether (which is what I plan on doing in CoreBase).  The format is brain-dead simple and a XML plist parser can go through data efficiently without ever having to validate, returning NULL on a syntax error.

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