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Re: [Gomp-discuss] Copyright Assignment

From: Steven Bosscher
Subject: Re: [Gomp-discuss] Copyright Assignment
Date: 11 Feb 2003 18:29:17 +0100

Op di 11-02-2003, om 18:09 schreef Scott Robert Ladd:
> > The code goes where-ever you please.  Starting a new GNU project is a
> > hassle, but aren't we just part of the GCC project?
> I was under the impression that the gcc folk wanted us to be a separate
> project until they "approved" of us.

Nah, that's just Per "Bad Motivator" Bothner.  I think the rest of the
GCC people were not so negative.  Just worried about the design, maybe. 
In fact, I think the more we try to get them to feel they're involved,
which they obviously are, the easier it is to get our work accepted in
the end.  After all, it was us who had to discuss everything in a
separate list and just dump an intimidating plan in the gcc list. Maybe
that wasn't so smart, in retrospect...

> > (assuming you have a copyright assignment for GCC).
> Well, I don't have one. I assume that's a problem?



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