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Re: [Gomp-discuss] WOMPAT 2003

From: Lars Segerlund
Subject: Re: [Gomp-discuss] WOMPAT 2003
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 14:35:16 +0200
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As far as I am concerned, there is tons of stuff to do, and nobody is doing zit !

If you make a sugestion of a way to progress, it's all well do that later and so on.

We have everything to start off with the libs, ( if anybody have looked at makeing a build from the stubs I submitted ).

In the style of exa ( an example language for gcc & friens ), we could emit code for some 'static' cases ( namely the example from the spec ) and verify correct behaviour in the backend.

This has NO parsing, NO fiddling with trees or anything such but would enable us to do work on a set of working libs.

I really got ticked of when nobody was looking at the cvs or the code in it :-( .... but if there is interest I am all ready for some coding :-) .

 / Lars Segerlund.

Biagio Lucini wrote:
Hi all - I know there haven't been loads of activity in the recent time,
but as far as I am concerned the project is still alive.

Below is a reminder of a conference. Diego, am I wrong or you are in
Toronto? Do you think you can go? It may be a good opportunity to exchange
views and to gather some ideas.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 20:39:34 -0500
From: Compunity Admin <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden

        !!!!! CALL FOR PARTICIPATION !!!!!!

WOMPAT 2003: Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools
    June 26 - 27, 2003 in Toronto, Ontario Canada


<2003-May-26> Early registration deadline.
<2003-Jun-26> Opening of the WOMPAT 2003 Workshop.

Registration information and the preliminary program are now available
at http://www.eecg.toronto.edu/wompat2003


The OpenMP API is a widely accepted standard for high-level shared-memory
parallel programming.  Since its introduction in 1997, OpenMP has gained
support from the majority of high-performance compiler and hardware

WOMPAT 2003 is latest in a series of OpenMP-related workshops, which
have included the annual offerings of WOMPAT, EWOMP and WOMPEI.
Additional information about these previous workshops can be found
through the cOMPunity web site: http://www.compunity.org.

The Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools (WOMPAT 2003) will serve
as a forum for users and developers of OpenMP to meet, share ideas and
experiences, and to discuss the latest developments in OpenMP and its
applications.  WOMPAT 2003 is co-sponsored by the OpenMP Architecture
Review Board (ARB), cOMPunity (a community of researchers and developers
in academia and industry), Intel Corporation, and the Edward S. Rogers
Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University
of Toronto.

Updated info. can be found at http://www.eecg.toronto.edu/wompat2003


WOMPAT 2003 will be held at the Hilton Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
There are a number of events and festivals to be held during June 2003,
you can find more information about events occurring around the time of
WOMPAT at the www.torontotourism.com web site.


Michael Voss, Program Chair
Department of Elec. and Comp. Eng.
University of Toronto, Canada

Eduard Ayguade
Dept. d'Arquitectura de Computadors
Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

Bob Blainey
IBM Toronto Laboratory, Canada

Mark Bull
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Barbara Chapman
Department of Computer Science
University of Houston, USA

Rudolf Eigenmann
School of Elec. and Comp. Eng.
Purdue University, USA

Timothy Mattson
Intel Corporation

Mitsuhisa Sato
Center for Computational Physics
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Sanjiv Shah
KAI Software Lab
Intel Corporation, USA

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