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Re: [gpsd-users] gpsd systemd troubleshooting: Draft

From: Gary E. Miller
Subject: Re: [gpsd-users] gpsd systemd troubleshooting: Draft
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2019 17:45:11 -0700

Yo Charles!

On Sun, 6 Oct 2019 13:16:07 -0600
Charles Curley <address@hidden> wrote:

> The latest version is attached, also as a diff against the git repo.

Sorry it took so long to get to this.  I had hoped some one that uses
systemd(ick) would have commented on this by now...

Much better,   But the order still needs work.  A reader is 3/4
of the way into the new section before:

"+<p>The first thing, if you haven't already done so, is to install gpsd."

First things belong first!  Start out by stating that gpsd must already be

Just after that you say:

"Then we verify that gpsd is running and reading from the GPS receiver"

One the one hand, that is, justifiably, left to other parts of the document,
but they key part here is to help the user determine is systemd(estroyer)
is in charge of gpsd, or not.  That is the part that baffles now users:
how to know if systemd(ung) is in the loop, or not.  Give examples.

Which goes back to your first full paragraph:

"the gpsd hacker who wishes to troubleshoot a gpsd installation on a
computer where systemd is present."

Many distributions have systemd(umb) present, but not running.  Gentoo
does this to pacify some non-portable apps.  Other installs may be from
source, so systemd(eumber) is present, and running, but not involved
with gpsd (maybe no gpsd service file is installed).

Seems to me, after install, the next items to check are:

1. is systemd(umbest) running?
2. is systemd(reck) trying to manage gpsd?
3. has systemd(ingleberry) started gpsd?

This part does not match my experience:

+<p>We can kill gpsd. Systemd will restart it for us, this time with the 
options in place. We verify that the options are there:</p>
+<pre>root@orca:~# kill 12868
+root@orca:~# ps aux | grep -i gpsd | grep -v grep
+gpsd     14547  0.5  0.0  18092  3504 ?        S&lt;sl 15:44   0:00 
/usr/sbin/gpsd -Gn

Seems to me that systemd(ank) does not do this by default.  Why would it
restart gpsd in this case?

To recap, imagine you step up to host that you have never seen before.
What steps would you do?  In what order?

Then explain each step as you go, instead of splitting the theory and
practice into separate sections with the start nearer the end.

If you like a separate theroy doc, then that would go in the gpsd/systemd

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        address@hidden  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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