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Re: italic corrections on synthesized slanted lowercase Greek letters on

From: Deri
Subject: Re: italic corrections on synthesized slanted lowercase Greek letters on the pdf device (was: Using -Tpdf rather than -Tps and then ps2pdf)
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:49:24 +0100

On Wednesday, 14 June 2023 03:57:01 BST G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> At 2023-06-14T00:53:42+0100, Deri wrote:
> > This is using a real font, deleted pdf:SS.
> Looks great!  It's not led astray by the superscripts or anything.
> Regards,
> Branden

Hi Branden,

These are the files you need to put in your devpdf directory to get similar 
results. In addition you need to change this line in the DESC file:-

fonts 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 SS S ZD

And add this line to the download file:-

      Symbol-Slanted  ./StandardSymSL.pfb

I'm not completely happy with the .pfb file (my first time hacking on fonts 
with fontforge).

I took the normal StandardSymbol font, removed all glyphs which are not named 
in the postscript SS font, applied a transformation matrix which reduced the 
glyphs to 89% and introduced a skew of 15.5 degrees, and corrected the extrema 
nodes. This produced the attached .pfb file. The problem is that the .afm file 
fontforge produced was the same as the original file, i.e. the glyph shapes 
had shrunk and skewed but their bounding boxes had not been recalculated. In 
addition the given widths included LH and RH bearings (gaps before and after 
each glyph) were included in each width. So I cheated and copied the grops SS 
file to create the gropdf SS file, this works because gropdf always includes a 
custom encoding table and widths table taken from the groff font information, 
but I would be happier if someone could generate a font where the .afm file 
matched the information in the symbolsl.afm file in the devps directory.



Attachment: StandardSymSL.pfb
Description: application/font-type1

Attachment: SS
Description: Text document

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