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Re: Preservation of Guix 2021-10-22

From: Timothy Sample
Subject: Re: Preservation of Guix 2021-10-22
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 11:55:58 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.2 (gnu/linux)


zimoun <> writes:

> How can I get the list of these 376+217 packages?  Because it appears to
> me easy to send a save request for them. :_)

Download the database (there’s a button at the bottom of the report),
and use SQLite to run the following queries.

For the 376:

    SELECT fod_id,
    FROM fods
        LEFT JOIN fod_references USING (fod_id)
    WHERE NOT is_in_swh
        AND reference LIKE '(git-reference%';

For the 217 (which is the best place to start):

    SELECT fod_id,
    FROM fods
        JOIN fod_commit_links USING (fod_id)
        JOIN commits USING (commit_id)
        LEFT JOIN fod_references USING (fod_id)
    WHERE commits.hash = '258a27eea9aab4f8af995f95743ccd264b5efcb5'
        AND NOT is_in_swh
        AND reference LIKE '(git-reference%';

Keep in mind that there is still a possibility of bugs or issues.  Some
of the results make sense to me, like if it’s from sourcehut.  However,
most of them are from Github, and they should have ended up in the
archive one way or another.  In short, sometimes you have to double
check the SWHID.  You can do this by searching by origin and finding the
tag.  If there’s a difference, it’s not necessarily a bug (like with the
Gawk 3.0.0 tarball), but it will have to be investigated.

I investigated one just to see: <>.  It
turns out that SWH just hasn’t visited it since September, so they
didn’t have the most recent tags.  I asked them to visit it, and now
they do.  It’s as simple as that!  I still think there might be more
interesting problems, but it’s nice that some of them are that simple.

-- Tim

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