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Re: rust-build-system from antioxidant

From: Maxime Devos
Subject: Re: rust-build-system from antioxidant
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:02:52 +0200
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Op 12-06-2023 om 15:05 schreef Maxim Cournoyer:
Hi Maxime,

Maxime Devos <> writes:

Op 12-06-2023 om 03:17 schreef Maxim Cournoyer:
Yes.  Overruling is a form of blocking, and blocking by authority
(whether de facto or de jure) is overruling.

There should not be a notion of 'overruling' in our
contribution processes (unless the Guix co-maintainers have to step in
as a last resort) if all participants strive to build consensus, as
mentioned in info '(guix) Commit Access':
     It is expected from all contributors, and even more so from
     to help build consensus and make decisions based on consensus.  To learn
     what consensus decision making means and understand its finer details,
     you are encouraged to read
I thought I knew what consensus meant myself, but the above link
me to re-frame a few things in a way that is more conducive to building


For example, the thread of the patch you sent at
<> is a good example of this, pretty
much everyone (except Ludo') agreed that the provided patch is good.

Let's avoid directly criticising ourselves and try to discuss what I
think has more value, which is coming to a better understanding of the
situation and how the perceived deadlock could be undone.
Consensus is not a majority vote; all parties have to walk the extra mile
>to reach a
common ground.

This quote is taken out of context -- nowhere I stated or assumed that it was a majority vote -- (n - tiny)/n is higher than 50%, and I also demonstrated that some other criteria were met.

Please don't ignore the explanation I wrote below all that, let's avoid taking quotes out-of-context, and let's avoid ignoring the concerns I pointed out in my previous e-mail.

> [...] try to discuss what I think has more value,
which is coming to a better understanding of the situation, [...]

I did this in my previous e-mail. You can bring new discussion from another POV if you want to, but why are you ignoring my discussion on this matter?

> [...] all parties have to walk the extra mile to reach a common
> ground. [...]

This sentence would have more weight if you explained somewhere how this wasn't the case in <>.

I think the object there was from a semantic point of
view: we'd have a 'garbage collection' command (guix gc) which wouldn't
collect any garbage!  It's a valid objection, although its importance in
> the narrow use case presented was not agreed by all parties.

Ludo' claimed that the resulting patch wouldn't collect garbage:

I believe the effect is that ‘guix gc -D /gnu/store/…-disk-image’ would
remove nothing: /gnu/store/.links would still contain a copy of that big
disk image, so as a result, you’ve freed zero bytes.

On its own, this is a valid objection, but it is false -- it does collect some garbage -- it deletes the /gnu/store/ITEM. This is implicitly referred to in:

[...]  Obviously there needs to be a way of __removing
single items from the store__, [...]

> zimoun wrote on 9 Nov 2021 19:10
[...] Even if the phase is drastically speed up, it would be probably still
too slow when using the option ’-D’ __remove only one <item>__; or just
some. [...]

Yet, Ludo' seems to have missed this:

> [Ludovic Courtès wrote on 17 Nov 2021 11:02]
> [...]> No; like I wrote, it would have the effect of not deleting anything:
> [...

So I have written it down explicitly:

Also, it _does_ collect garbage -- it collects the /gnu/store/... item, it just doesn't collect _all_ the garbage (it doesn't collect the individual files in the store item or the things in /gnu/store/.links).

There wasn't any response.

A consensus-based outcome could be to add a new option to guix gc,
e.g. '--invalidate', which would be documented as "invalidate
(de-register from the Guix database) rather actually delete from the
store".  If that's still argued semantically unclear we could go with a
dedicated 'guix invalidate', although that seems overkill to me.

"guix gc -D" is already semantically clear -- it deletes a single /gnu/store/... item. IIUC, the patch at <> fixes the bug where it also deletes more than that.

(IMO both deleting and not deleting the relevant links in /gnu/store/.links would be acceptable behaviors, as long as it doesn't do more than that. Also IMO deleting more links is technically a bug, but harmless __as long as it's efficient.)

(IIUC, it also deregisters the store item, but that's needed for consistency of DB->file system, and deregistering can be considered a removal of DB entries, so not really a problem.)

This is a bit more work than the 1 line change initially suggested, but
I think we can agree that'd be a more general/better solution.

It's neither more general nor less general. If you just deregister it from the Guix database, the directory /gnu/store/... exists (unlike "guix gc -D") so --invalidate is not more general than "guix gc -D".

If you do "guix gc -D", it will not only deregister the item, but also delete the item. As the removal is not optional, this is not more general than "guix gc -D".

Also, I consider "guix gc -D" to be a better solution, because "guix gc --invalidate" only deletes entries from the database whereas "guix gc -D" also deletes the directory, so "guix gc -D" collects more garbage than "guix gc --invalidate".

Such is
the trade-off of consensus-based decision making (requires more
effort/slower moving but with a higher quality outcome).

While it appears to be completely sufficient for the use cases mentioned in <>, I don't think this can be considered a higher quality outcome, see above.

However, IMO having both <> and "--invalidate" would be even better; being able to test what happens if a non-registered directory exists in /gnu/store (e.g. a substitution interrupted by a sudden power-off) might be convenient for testing (without actually having to abruptly shut down the computer) the behaviour of a hypothetical GNUnet equivalent of "guix publish" (assuming that it works by doing a scandir of the store etc.).

Best regards,
Maxime Devos.

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