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Re: [Gzz] PEG: canvas_text--mudyc

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: Re: [Gzz] PEG: canvas_text--mudyc
Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 07:30:40 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 03:39:45AM +0300, Matti Katila wrote:
> I do like to see improvements in text editing/handling in
> spatial canvases. Current model is based on pp's way
> to handle text and that is too limited even for pp.
> There are at least three disagreeing circumtances:
> wysiwyg, text editability, spatial positions.

I think wysiwyg is the least important of the three..

> This enchament propouse is meant to be compromise of
> these three circumtances for our own best.
> Issues
> ------
> - If we generate rst to pdf does it brake the 
>   xanalogical link doesn't it?
>     Yes, if we *replace* the text canvas with
>     page canvas. Currently idea is to use pdfs from outside 
>     and annotate those. So the question is why can't we 
>     build a new article from annotations and link xanalogically
>     the annotation canvas to pdf generated from it?

If I cut&paste a sentence from an email to an article, I'd like that
xanalogical connection to remain to the actual *text*. (ISSUE: does it?)

I think the question is: why is it that you want people using fenfire
to read the PDF file generated at all? (ISSUE: why?).

> - Would Nile like text editability be too complex for pp?
>     Yes and no. Word/Sentence/Paragraph modes would not be 
>     set by default. Paragraph thinking already solves much 
>     of the current problems of pp text editability also.
> RST as a inspirer
> -----------------
> I do like very much of reStructuredText philosophy.
> It is very handly to edit in *text mode* but of course
> looks fine in *generated mode* where we are used to 
> read it. Normally you can't edit text in the generated 
> mode but I see this as a lack. At least I usually would 
> like to edit typos found in generated text.
> Nile as a inspirer
> ------------------
> As discussed with Asko about rst like canvases he quite 
> fast informed me about Nile. After looking to Nile I
> needed to come back to design board. Yes, we absolutely
> need nodes or words, sentences and paragraphs as a primitives. 
> What's it all about?
> --------------------
> This proposal is all about:
>     - spatial placing of different paragraphs into one canvas.
>     - one paragraph includes sentences one after the other.
>     - sentence includes nodes(as words) one after the other.

What, a node is a word?

Please explain a lot more detail. This description doesn't 
really say what you're intending. Use more words ;)

What is the underlying structure, and what are the things the user sees?

> Future goal
> -----------
> RST generating of text build up of the paragraphs placed on canvas.
> One issue would be how text format is handled and does this proposal
> approach it in different manner. 
> PDF generating from rst converted to latex. This would make FenPDF
> also as a article productive wholeness.

Yes, this would be good. It still doesn't explain why you
then want to import the *generated* article into FenPDF?


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