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Re: [Gzz] PEG: vocab again

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz] PEG: vocab again
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 16:14:34 +0200
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Tuomas Lukka wrote:
On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 03:51:49PM +0200, Benja Fallenstein wrote:
I am a person using devel stuff. Therefore, I want to know what this would inflict on me if it goes through.

Ok. Basically, the PEG should happen before any developer starts using that URI in production data. Happy?

Starting to make sense :-)

One possibility is to define that code using URIs from lava should *never be used* except for testing purposes-- anybody who ignores this must take of converting themselves. If you want to do that, you should explain which conventions prevent developers from using such code accidentally.

How about simply: any official non-lava code must not use experimental URIs? It's actually implicit already: non-lava mustn't
depend on lava.

So the lava distinction covers this, I think.

So we'd add to the definition of lava that it may use experimental URIs which may be annoying to convert to their later equivalents?

I did state the earlier concepts that were renamed - this actually
does define them.


        PP links (now dLinks) or xu links (now CLinks)

This defines "dLink == PP link, CLink = xu link".

Where do you say the concepts were renamed? The above implies that, but doesn't say it, nor give the reasons for it. That was the point.

The "now" says that. But this is now moot, since I've started the other PEG.

I guess than we can agree to disagree on whether the above is acceptable or not and get on with this :-)

- Benja

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