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Re: [Gzz] REPOST: PEG: Alter Canvas2D vocab to support transclusions

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz] REPOST: PEG: Alter Canvas2D vocab to support transclusions
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 22:20:20 +0200
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Asko Soukka wrote:

Sorry, that I'm a bit late on that conversation. So, the structure after Benja's PEG would look something like:

             1:n                                 1:1
(Canvas) --contains-- (NodeOnCanvas)(x)(y) --transcludes-- (Node)

No, no, the second cardinality is n:1! There can be an arbitrary number of NodeOnCanvas (maybe better called Coordinates) resources for each individual Node!

Basically, we would have made connection into a node. Did I understand the
PEG right?


As Tuomas told me, this could be done alternatively using reification. The term is still quite abstract for me (though, tried to learn it), so, probably you can tell me how it works :)

That's not a good idea for this, but FWIW, it would be like this--

reification --subject--> Canvas
reification --property--> contains
reification --object--> Node
reification --type--> Statement

I.e., the "reification" resource represents the statement which has 'Canvas' as the subject; 'contains' as the property; and 'Node' as the object.

In my MindMap vision, connections between nodes and canvases could be shown/created/removed also on 2D structure view (Loom alike). Of course, the view should abstract the structure in these both solutions...


I don't like the term "2D structure view" btw: it's not a 2-dimensional plane, although it is shown on a 2-dimensional screen (which is IMHO the only sense it is '2D' -- in that sense, Quake is '2D' also...).

- Benja

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